We are Starting a new batch at JNTU Kukatpally. To enroll for the new batch, click the contact button above and call us.

The syllabus is designed as per the industry standards. Device drivers will be taught on real time projects on different HardWare boards and The Internet of Things will be taught on the basis of real time Frameworks

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Introduction to Embedded Systems
  1. Embedded systems
  2. Embedded h/w units and devices
  3. Embedded s/w in a systems
  4. Classification of ES
  5. Memory types and interfaces
  6. CPU types and characteristics
  7. I/O controllers - polled I/O or programmed I/O
  8. Development environment - host-target environment, cross compilers, downloading methods, emulators, target based debugging, debug monitors and host based source level debugging
  9. Digital Electronics
    • Number Systems
    • Logic gates
    • Combinational and Sequential circuits
    • Applications of Digital Electronics
  10. Introduction to Computer Organisation
    • Memory and I/O organisation
    • X86 Architecture and programming
    • Combinational and Sequential circuits
    • Applications of Digital Electronics
  11. ARM architecture
    • Inroduction to ARM Architecture
    • Processor Modes
    • ARM Registers
    • ARM Endian Support
    • ARM Instruction Set
    • Addressing Modes
  12. IOT basic concepts
C Programming and data structures
  1. C Programming in Embedded Systems:
    • Why C in Embedded
    • ANSI Standard
    • Fundamentals of C
  2. Datatypes and Constants
    • Simple & Formatted I/O
    • Memory Usage
    • Operators & Expressions
    • Flow Control
    • Loops
  3. Functions
    • Role of Functions
    • Pass by value / reference
    • Returning values from Functions
    • Recursive Functions
    • Call Back Functions
    • Implications on Stack
    • Library Vs User defined function
    • Passing variable number of arguments
  4. Arrays
    • Defining, initializing and using arrays
    • Multi Dimensional Arrays
    • Arrays of Characters and Strings
    • Arrays and Pointers
    • Passing arrays to functions
    • String handling with and without library functions
  5. Storage Classes
    • Scope and Life
    • Automatic, Static, External, Register
    • Memory(CPU / RAM)
  6. Structures & Unions
    • What structures are for
    • Declaration, initialization
    • Accessing like objects
    • Nested Structures
    • Array of Structures
    • Passing structures through functions
    • Allocation of memory and holes
    • Structure Comparison
    • Structure bit operation
    • Typedef for portability
    • Unions
    • Overlapping members
  7. Enumerated data types - Enum, Indexing, enum Vs #define
  8. Bit Operations
    • AND ( & ), OR ( | ), XOR ( ^ )
    • Compliment ( ~ )
    • Left-Shift ( << ), Right Shift ( >> )
    • Masking, Setting, Clearing and Testing of Bit / Bits
  9. Pointers
    • The purpose of pointers
    • Defining pointers
    • The & and * operators
    • Pointer Assignment
    • Pointer Arithmetic
    • Multiple indirections
    • Advanced pointer types
    • Generic and Null Pointer
    • Function Pointers
    • Pointers to Arrays and Strings
    • Array of Pointers
    • Pointers to Structure and Union
    • Pointers to Dynamic memory
    • Far, Near and Huge Pointers
    • Pointer Type Casting
  10. Dynamic Memory Allocation
    • Malloc(), Calloc(), Realloc(), Free()
    • Farmalloc(), Farcalloc()
  11. File Handling Concepts
    • Concept of a FILE data type
    • Inode, FILE structure
    • File pointer
    • Character handling routines
    • Formatted Data Routines
    • Raw data Routines
    • Random Access to FILE
  12. Command line Arguments
    • Argc, argv
    • Variable Inputs to the main
  13. Compiler in Practical
    • Preprocessor Directives
    • Compiler, Assembler, Linker
    • Conditional Compilation
    • Multiple File Compilation
    • Code Optimization techniques
    • Volatile, #pragma
  14. Data Structures
    • Linear & non-linear
    • Homogeneous & non-homogeneous
    • Static & Dynamic
    • Single, Double & Circular Linked Lists
    • Stacks & Queues
    • Binary Trees
  15. Sorting and Searching Techniques
    • Insertion
    • Selection,
    • Bubble
    • Merge
    • Quick
    • Heap
  16. Concepts and Real-time Exposure
    • Development Tools and Environment
    • Make Utility
    • Make Utility
    • MISRA Coding Standards
    • Object / Executable File Format
    • Debugger
  17. Mini Project 1: using data structures and pointers
Firmware or Embedded C programming using IOT architecture:
  1. 8051,PIC,ARM7 and ARM9 architectures
  2. IOT architecture Introduction
  3. Ayla IOT architecture (ST and Murata board)
  4. Firmware development on Keil IDE
  5. Cloud architecture
  6. Interfacing concepts of UART,I2C,SPI,ADC,DAC,LCD,RTC,GPIO,PWM,WDT,Timers/Counters and Interrupts
  7. Interfacing concepts of WiFi,Bluetooth,GPS and GSM Modules
  8. RTOS: Introduction, Internls and Sceduling,Application programming on RTOS,Porting and Building RTOS for Target Systems
Gnu toolchain
  1. GCC
  2. GNU Makefile
  3. GNU binutils
  4. GDB (GNU Debugger)
Linux basics and Utilities
  1. Unix /Linux/Windows history
  2. Free s/w foundation
  3. GNU Project
  4. Booting process of OS
  5. Linux architecture
  6. Linux root file system and virtual file system (file management/process management/synchronization/IPC/memory management)
  7. Linux Kernel introduction
  8. Shell programming
  9. System calls, file handling, environment variables, inodes and file permissions
  10. Error handling in Linux
Race Conditions
  1. Concurrency and Management
  2. Semaphore Vs Mutexes
  3. Completions
  4. Spinlocks
  5. Locking traps
  6. Alternatives to Locking
Hardware communication
  1. I/O ports and I/O memory
  2. I/O port example
  3. Using I/O memory
Interrupt handling
  1. Preparing the parallel port
  2. Installing an Interrupt Handler
  3. Implementing a Handler
  4. Top and Bottom Halves
  5. Interrupt Sharing
  6. Interrupt-Driven I/O
Memory mapping and DMA
  1. Memory Management in Linux
  2. The mmap Device Operation
  3. Performing Direct I/O
  4. Direct Memory Access
Board bring up
  1. Embedded Linux: Benefits of Linux and open source tools components of linux booting, embedded linux Focus system arch
  2. Cross compiler tool chain: need for cross toFocusol chain using pre-built cross tool chain and building our own cross tool chain
  3. Boot loader: advantages, Uboot source code overview, building u-boot for target boot time optimization
  4. Linux kernel: supported h/w arch,croos compiling the kernel for target, understanding kernel boot arguments, system call implementation and boot-time optimizations
  5. File system: understanding NAND/NOR flash, file system hierarchy,Busy box/Build root/LTIB/Yocto cross compiling apps and libs, creating file system images
  6. Flashing : boot loader/kernel/file system and images
  7. Android and linux portingon TI/samsung/freescale/broadcom SOC's


Fundamentals of Linux kernel and Device Drivers
  1. Kernel Classification (Micro/Monolithic)
  2. Kernel programming and source tree overview
  3. Proc and Sys file systems
  4. Device drivers - types and roles
  5. Getting the sources and configuring the kernel
  6. Diff and patching utilities
  7. Compiling ,installing and booting the kernel
Modular programming
  1. Introduction to modular programming
  2. Features of Modular programming
  3. Kernel module vs Applications
  4. Compiling and loading
  5. The kernel symbol table
  6. Module parameters
Character device drivers
  1. The design and architecture
  2. Major and Minor numbers
  3. Data structures
  4. Char device registration, open and release
  5. Memory usage, read and write
  6. Implementation of Char driver
Block device drivers
  1. ioctl
  2. Blocking I/O
  3. Poll and select
  4. Asynchronous notifications
  • Variable Types
  • Basic Operators
  • Descision Making
  • Loops
  • Numbers
  • Strings
  • Lists
  • Tuples
  • Dictionary
  • Date & Time
  • Functions
  • Modules
  • Files I/O
  • Exceptions
  • Classes/Objects
  • Reg Expressions
  • Database Access
  • Networking
  • Sending Email
  • Multithreading
  • CGI Programming
  • XML Processing
Network drivers
  1. Connecting to the Kernel
  2. The net_device Structure in Detail
  3. Opening and Closing
  4. Packet Transmission
  5. Packet Reception
  6. The Interrupt Handler
  7. Receive Interrupt Mitigation
  8. Changes in Link State
  9. The Socket Buffers
  10. MAC Address Resolution
  11. Custom ioctl Commands
  12. Multicast
Android (need to change)
  1. Introduction to Android
  2. Source code and Compiling
  3. Boot loaders for Android
  4. Android changes to the Linux kernel
  5. Supporting new hardware
  6. Development and debugging with ADB
  7. Android’s build system
  8. The Android file system
  9. Android native layer and calling a C program from Android
  10. Android framework and applications
  11. System customization Advise and resources
C++ programming
  1. Introduction to CPP
  2. Data types, storage classes,constants, modifier types, operators, loops, functions, arrays, strings, pointers, references, date and time
  3. Classes and Objects
  4. Inheritance
  5. Overloading
  6. Polymorphism
  7. Abstraction
  8. Encapsulation
  9. Interfaces
  10. Constructors and Destructors
  11. Static members and functions
  12. Friend classes and functions
  13. Data conversions
  14. Exception handling
  15. Templates
  16. Standard template library - STL
Debugging Techniques
  1. Debugging Support in the Kernel(user space,kernel space and Android tools)
  2. Debugging by Printing
  3. Debugging by Querying
  4. Debugging by Watching
  5. Debugging System Faults
  6. Debuggers and Related Tools
Repository Tools
  1. GIT Overview
  2. Git commands
  3. SVN and Perforce Overview
  4. Source code browsing tools like cscope,kscope and ctags
  5. Bug tracking tools like Bugzilla


Android App Development
  1. Introduction
  2. Prerequisites for Android Development
    • Java basics
    • IDE, SDKs and APIs
  3. Essentials for Android development
    • Linux distributions
    • Java Basics, understanding the android
    • Explaining Android Dashboard distribution
  4. Android Architecture and Project structure
  5. Introduction to Android Studio
    • Project structure, SDK manager
    • Basic using tips and tricks
    • Using AVD, Mobile devices
    • Packages and API levels
    • Running and building
  6. Building First Android Application
    • Introduction to User Interface and XML layouts
    • Working on XML Layouts and building different layouts
  7. XML Layouts and Views
    • Discussing different Views and their Attributes
    • Discussing different Layouts and Attributes
  8. App manifest file
    • Discussing the manifest file tags and uses
  9. Introduction to Android App components
    • Activities
    • Services
    • Content Providers
    • Broadcast receivers
  10. App resources
    • Resource types
    • Localization
  11. Activities and Implementation
    • Introduction
    • Activity life cycle
    • Activity state changes
    • Intents
    • Parcelables and Bundles
    • Interact with other apps
    • Fragments
    • Designing fragments
    • Fragment life cycle
    • Fragments integration
  1. Intent and Intent filters
    • Explicit and Implicit Intents
    • Transferring data using Intents
    • Starting intents and expecting results
  2. App permissions
    • Manifest permissions
    • Run time permissions
  3. Popular User Interfaces
    • Toast
    • SnackBar
    • Dialog
    • Menus
    • Tabs
    • DrawyerLayout
    • ViewPagers
    • ListView and RecyclerView
  4. Debugging Android Apps
  5. Broadcast receivers
  6. Background services
  7. Multimedia Implementation
    • Audio and video overview
    • Video formats supported
    • MediaPlayer
    • Building a video app
    • Building a audio app
    • Text to speech
    • Voice recognition
  8. Storage methods
    • Sharedpreferences
    • SQLite database interactions with ROOM
    • Internal and External storage
  9. Content providers
    • Content provider types
    • Addition, deletion, updating using Content providers
    • Contacts implementation with Content Providers
  10. Location based Services
    • Location manager and Location provider
    • GPS location tracking
    • Location listeners
  11. Parser
    • JSON parser
    • XML parser
  12. Networking and Web services
    • HTTP requests
    • REST API
    • Volley usage
    • Glide usage
    • Accessing data from local web server
  13. Firebase Integration
    • Firebase authentication
    • Real time database creation
    • Usage analytics
    • Test Labs
    • Crashlytics
    • Firebase Notifications
  14. Android Testing and writing test cases
  15. Google Maps Integration
  16. Integrating third party API s


Internet Of Things - (IoT)
  1. Introduction Concepts & Technologies behind Internet Of Things (IoT)
  2. IoT Architecture
  3. Evolution of M2M and IoT Networks & Technologies
  4. IoT Communication Protocols
  5. Programming Languages
  6. Cloud Computing & Platforms
  7. IoT Analytics & Security
  8. IoT Data Mining
  9. Wireless Sensor Area Networks (WSAN): EDesign and Development Of IoT Sytems
  1. IoT Dragonboard bring up and community ecosysytem
  2. Setting up and Using Cloud services
  3. Communication Technologies
  4. Multimedia Technologies
  5. IoT Frameworks
  • Mobile Surveillance System
  • Alarm system using IoT
  • Environmental Monitering System
  • Smart System to Control Ambient Light
  • Remote Weather Station
  • Smart Doorbell
  • UART Loop Back
  • Cloud IoT Sensor Hub
  • Drivers for GPS, Accelerometer using IoT


  • Project-1 : Understanding RS232 driver, Embedded h/w units and devices
  • Project-2 : Understanding parallel port device driver
  • Project-3 : Understanding Keyboard device driver
  • Project-4 : Understanding keyboard device driver
  • Project-5 : Understanding Mouse driver
  • Project-6 : Understanding USB pen device driver
  • Project-7 : Audio device driver porting and feature development
  • Project-8 : WiFi device driver porting and feature development
  • Project-9 : WPA Supplicant porting and feature development
  • Project-10: Radio interface layer(RIL)-HAL understanding and development
  • Project-11: IOT architecture of AYLA networks - AYLA
  • Project-12: IOT architecture of Alljoyn framework - Qualcomm
  • Project-13: IOT architecture of Android Things or Brillo Framework - Google

Sree embedded is the best institute where we gain the knowledge on real time projects and the teaching skills and the environment are very good.


Good Institute for real time projects.

Bhanu Chander

Good Institute for Linux Device Drivers. Practical Oriented and real-time projects.


Good Institute for Linux Device drivers. Faculty have more than 10+ years of experience and his way of approach is good. It helps me to enchance the career in embedded domain.


Best institute where we get real time projects, more guidance from mentor.


Good Institute for coachiung on C, LSP, Device Drivers & Iot. Real time projects on Audio, Wi-Fi & IoT. The way Faculty teaches very good with practical examples.


Best institute in Hyderabad. Way of teaching is excellent. Every concept is well explained with examples. Projects are good. So, more chances are there to get a job.

Sree Poorna

Best Institute for embedded Linux & Device drivers, faculty has excellent knowledge and more than 10+ years of real time experience in embedded domain


To gain the knowledge, it's one of the best place to learn Audio, Wi-Fi technology, Android Programming with real time projects.... Totally, it's a very Friendly Environment and 100% Placements


Trainers has excellent knowledge .Especially for IOT and other new emerging technologies.IOT framework explanation with real time examples for both fresher's and working professionals is their speciality


Good institute for embedded system coaching and Realtime projects. Friendly environment in teaching. 100% placement assistance.mostly working on practical way,i like so mush sreekumar sir teaching.


Best place to learn C,LSP (Linux system programming),wifi concepts ,Internet of things ,Android thigs,Device Drivers ,Real time Projects and so on..,The faculty encourages every individual to succeed in their path and to get placed in particular organization.


SREE EMBEDDED TECHNOLOGIES is one of the best Institute in the hyderabad. I recommend you to join,this institute to learn more on lsp, device drivers, embedded Linux and real time projects... etc,with practical and theoretical knowledge. Sree kumar sir put a lot of effort on students to get success in this field. Here main advantage is collaborative environment is possible,while doing the real time projects, if any issue's or bugs got reguarding project, we will solve those with our team as like same in the industry.


The institute where we have a Real Time trainers where they are still in real time market having the updated technologies knowledge and training will be parallel to the real time market, having updated projects which are running in the real time market


Good institute for Linux,Device Drivers and real time projects on embedded system.Faculty having more than 10 years of experience in embedded industry.


One of the best institute for real-time projects and device drivers. Faculty have more than 10 years of experience.
